Parkplatz Langlaufzentrum Steinberg am Rofan
  • 09.45 Uhr Materialcheck mit Tipps zur Ausrüstung und Ausrüstungspflege
  • Anschließend Techniktraining in der Gruppe
  • Ca. 12.00 Uhr Energie tanken beim Einkehrschwung
  • 13.30 Uhr Techniktraining mit individueller Videoanalyse
  • 16.30 Uhr Rückkehr Langlaufzentrum Steinberg am Rofan
  • 18.00 Uhr Gemeinsames Abendessen und Technikbesprechung
  • Sonntag, 02. Februar

    • 09.30 Uhr Treffpunkt Parkplatz Langlaufzentrum Steinberg am Rofan
    • Anschließend Techniktraining mit Einzelkorrektur
    • Ca. 12.00 Uhr Energie tanken beim Einkehrschwung
    • 13.30 Uhr Abschlussrunde auf der Loipe zum Festigen der erlernten Techniktipps
    • 16.00 Uhr Individuelle Abreise


    Alle wichtigen Infos bzgl. Ablauf und Packliste werden vor dem Camp per E-Mail zugeschickt. Programmänderungen sind aufgrund von Witterungsbedingungen o.ä. vorbehalten" data-teaser="" data-orgname="" data-locadress="Langlaufzentrum Steinberg am Rofan">

    Achensee cross-country skating technique training

    Sa, 1.2.2025
     - 09:30
    Achensee Tourismus
    Achenseestraße 63
    6212 Maurach am Achensee

    At the Achensee cross-country skating technique training, advanced skaters have the opportunity to perfect their skills in just two days through intensive cross-country training with a qualified cross-country instructor.

    Please note that all sessions will be in German (advanced level).


    Saturday, 01. February

    • 09.30 Meeting point at the car park of the cross-country skiing centre in Steinberg am Rofan
    • 09.45 Material check with equipment and care tips
    • Afterwards technique training in the group
    • Approx. 12.00 Recharge your batteries with a refreshment stop
    • 13.30 Technique training with individual video analysis
    • 16.30 Return to Steinberg am Rofan cross-country skiing centre
    • 18.00 Group dinner and technique discussion

    Sunday, 02. February

    • 09.30 Meeting point at the car park of the cross-country skiing centre in Steinberg am Rofan
    • Followed by technique training with individual correction
    • Approx. 12.00 Recharge your batteries with a refreshment stop
    • 13.30 Final round on the cross-country slope to perfect the techniques you learned.
    • 16.00 Individual departure

    All important information regarding the schedule and packing list will be emailed prior to the camp. The schedule is subject to change due to weather conditions or other reasons.

    more information

    Included Services

    Qualified cross-country ski instructor, cross-country ski trail fee, goodie bag, 1 dinner

    Bring Along

    cross-country skis, boots, poles, cross-country clothing, HERE is the full packing list.


    minimum number of participants: 4 persons

    Hint Advice

    Skating experience (challenging cross-country slopes are no problem)

    Important Information

    The schedule is subject to change due to weather conditions or other reasons. Each participant must accept the disclaimer and the Austrian General Terms and Conditions for the Hotel Industry at the time of registration.

    Meeting Point

    Steinberg 29, 6215 Steinberg am Rofan, Österreich
    Car park Langlaufzentrum Steinberg am Rofan

    Additional event days
    So, 2.2.2025 - 09:30 o'clock