

Tourismusverband Achensee
Achenseestraße 63
6212 Maurach am Achensee

Phone: +43 5 95300-0
Fax: +43 5 95300-19
Email: info@achensee.com

Registration: By signing up to our free newsletter via our form you agree to receive offers, promotions, and other information from Achensee Tourism. To confirm you registration, we use the double-opt in procedure. By subscribing to our free newsletter, you do not enter any obligations. 

Unsubscribing: You may unsubscribe at any time. A link is provided in the footer of the newsletter. 

Privacy policy: Achensee Tourism collects and stores your personal information only for the purpose of sending newsletters. Your data will not be forwarded to third parties.

Achensee Tourist Association (TVB ACHENSEE) provides the user with online access to the Achensee Tourist Association image database via http, for downloading of image files within these terms of use. Use of the image database is exclusively based upon these conditions. Other conditions do not then apply unless this is expressly stated by TVB ACHENSEE.  The Achensee logo is a registered trademark. The use of the Achensee logos is permitted only after prior consultation and approval by the TVB ACHENSEE.
Usage restriction

Images from the Achensee photo archive are for the sole use of accommodation providers at Achensee, journalists, press and publishers. Use of images from the Achensee photo archive is not permitted for the advertising of other tourist regions, or for businesses which are not in the region of Achensee.
Any use in a manner which is criminal, racist, anti-religious, immoral or otherwise offensive or political is prohibited; as is any use which is damaging or detrimental  to the reputation of TVB ACHENSEE, the tourist association region, one of its members or a person(s) shown or institution.
Any editing and amendments are prohibited.
Any collection/archiving for later use is prohibited.
Commercial use is only available to members of TVB ACHENSEE.
Any transfer for payment or publication is prohibited.
Upon use of more than 2 photos in a way which is connected, in terms of content or form, TVB ACHENSEE may ask for a free-of-charge transfer of a specimen copy.
Use is in no way exclusively granted; in particular, neither in terms of content, nor in terms of time or scope.
Exclusion of liability

TVB ACHENSEE assumes no liability whatever for actual and legal usability of photos; in particular their optical quality and authenticity; nor for the quality of electronic data and of access.
TVB ACHENSEE is only liable for damages for intentional and direct material damage; on no account for loss of earnings or lost profit.
TVB ACHENSEE is free at any time to remove individual and even all photos from the archive. Similarly they are free to decide whether photos will be included in the archive, and which ones are to be included.
TVB ACHENSEE reserves the right to revoke users’ access to the photo archive after they have registered.
Source citations/Liability

For any transfer or publication using material from the archive, the source of the archive material is to be placed in a prominent position with the text “www.achensee.com”; on the Internet this is also to be shown as a hyperlink.
In as far as images in the archive are provided with the producer’s name and/or description of the subject, upon use of this image, the description is also to be reproduced in as an identical a way as possible (in particular in visual terms and with regard to placement).
If there is any misuse of user ID and/or password by a third party, TVB ACHENSEE will hold the person to whom it was issued liable.
Should TVB ACHENSEE be called upon due to the use of archive material by the user of a third party site, they will be indemnified and held harmless against the user.
Place of fulfilment/place of jurisdiction/choice of law

The place of fulfilment for all claims from the user relationship is A-6215 Achenkirch.
A-6215 Achenkirch has been agreed upon as the place of jurisdiction for all disputes in connection with the use of the archive.
Austrian law, without reference norms to international law, applies to this user relationship.

I am aware and accept that my participation involves a certain risk. I hereby confirm that the organizer of the event shall not be held liable for any injuries or damages suffered by me and waive any claim for damages on whatever legal ground and/or title. My participation in the event is voluntary.

I confirm that I have a valid personal liability insurance and a personal accident insurance covering my participation. If I cause harm to someone else or damage their property, I accept responsibility and guarantee that the organizer Tourismusverband Achensee will be completely indemnified and held harmless by me.

For my own safety and the safety of all other participants, I undertake to observe the safety rules laid down by the organizer. I will follow the instructions of the guides. I have checked my equipment and confirm that it is in good condition and suitable for the event.

I am aware that I am only allowed to participate after a successful safety check and after my equipment has been inspected and approved on site. Furthermore, I accept that I may be excluded from the event and from participation at any time for valid/above mentioned reasons.

Tourismusverband Achensee has the right to make audio recordings, video footage and photographs during the event and to use any and all recorded media of my appearance, voice, and name for any purpose (be it merchandising, commercial, advertising material, editorial or other) for an unlimited period of time across all media channels.

Tourismusverband Achensee is entitled to use the recorded material for its own purposes, to broadcast, transmit, display, reproduce and/or publicly disseminate the material of any medium and make it publicly accessible.

Tourismusverband Achensee is entitled to modify the recorded material without restrictions and to use and/or market it in modified form. This includes short-term interruption, cutting, and other types of modification and alteration of and with the footage.

In addition, I accept that any rights granted to Tourismusverband Achensee may be passed on to third parties without my consent. The selection and use of any photographs and footage featuring me do not require my consent, the material can be used and disseminated to third parties without my consent.

I am also aware that I might not be mentioned as a participant of the event. However, should I be mentioned in connection with the event or appear in event photographs or footage, I am aware that I am not entitled to any payment, and expressly waive any claim for financial compensation resulting from my participation in the event, the material recorded during the event, or any other reason.

I was made aware that for all hiking tours sturdy shoes (ankle-high hiking boots) and weather appropriate clothing are essential. Telescopic hiking poles are recommended. In addition, sure-footedness is a prerequisite for participation in all guided hikes.

Tourismusverband Achensee reserves the right to change tour destinations and return times, and to cancel tours due to weather conditions. I am aware that I am not entitled to any damages resulting from changes or cancellations and expressly waive any right to claim for damages. If a tour is cancelled the participation fee paid will be refunded.

Tour durations include walking time, breaks with stops for refreshments and/or guided visits of attractions. Any additional costs such as cable car tickets, toll or parking fees, and refreshments are not included.

I am aware and accept that my participation involves a certain risk. I have been informed that no liability for any accidents will be assumed by the organizer Tourismusverband Achensee and confirm that the organizer will not be held liable for any injuries or damages suffered by me and waive the right to claim damages on whatever legal grounds and/or title.

I confirm that I have a valid personal liability insurance and a personal accident insurance covering my participation. If I cause harm to someone else or damage their property, I accept responsibility and guarantee that the organizer Tourismusverband Achensee will be completely indemnified and held harmless by me.

For my own safety and the safety of all other participants, I undertake to observe the safety rules laid down by the organizer. I will follow the instructions of the hiking and mountain guides.

Tourismusverband Achensee has the right to make audio recordings, video footage and photographs during the event and to use any and all recorded media of my appearance, voice, and name for any purpose (be it merchandising, commercial, advertising material, editorial or other) for an unlimited period of time across all media channels.

Tourismusverband Achensee is entitled to use the recorded material for its own purposes, to broadcast, transmit, display, reproduce and/or publicly disseminate the material of any medium and make it publicly accessible.

Tourismusverband Achensee is entitled to modify the recorded material without restrictions and to use and/or market it in modified form. This includes short-term interruption, cutting, and other types of modification and alteration of and with the footage.

In addition, I accept that any rights granted to Tourismusverband Achensee may be passed on to third parties without my consent. The selection and use of any photographs and footage featuring me do not require my consent, the material can be used and disseminated to third parties without my consent.

I am also aware that I might not be mentioned as a participant of the hiking programme. However, should I be mentioned in connection with the hiking programme or appear in photographs or footage, I am aware that I am not entitled to any payment, and expressly waive any claim for financial compensation resulting from my participation in the hiking programme, the material recorded during the tours, or any other reason.

I hereby grant permission for my child to participate in the children’s programme of Tourismusverband Achensee and shall assume responsibility and liability for accidents of any kind.

I have been made aware that it is my responsibility to ensure that my child brings the following essential items: suitable sturdy shoes, weather appropriate clothing, a children’s backpack to be carried by my child, swimwear, and the AchenseeCard (= visitor card) which allows free use of the bus. If my child does not bring the card, the bus ticket must be paid for by my child.

If the planned activities need to be cancelled because of bad weather, the children’s programme will be held in the children’s party room of the Tourismusverband Achensee (minimum number of participants 3 children), where the children can paint, do handicrafts, play games, and more.

If there are less than 3 children, I accept that I am responsible for picking up my child and that there will be no supervised programme by the Tourismusverband Achensee. It is my responsibility to get information whether the activity takes place, and if the programme is cancelled I must ensure supervision of my child. If an activity is cancelled the participation fee paid will be refunded.

I am aware and accept that the participation of my child in the children’s programme involves a certain risk. I hereby confirm that Tourismusverband Achensee shall not be held liable for any injuries suffered by my child, or any harm or damages caused by my child, and waive any claim for damages on whatever legal ground and/or title.

Participation of my child in the Achensee children’s programme is voluntary. I have a valid personal liability insurance and a personal accident insurance covering participation of my child. If my child causes harm to someone else or damages their property, I accept responsibility and guarantee that the organizer Tourismusverband Achensee will be completely indemnified and held harmless by me.

For the safety of my child and the safety of all other participants, I undertake to observe the safety regulations specified by the organizer. My child must follow the instructions and directions from supervisors and childcare assistants.

Tourismusverband Achensee has the right to make audio recordings, video footage and photographs during the event and to use any and all recorded media of my child’s appearance, voice, and name for any purpose (be it merchandising, commercial, advertising material, editorial or other) for an unlimited period of time across all media channels.

Tourismusverband Achensee is entitled to use the recorded material for its own purposes, to broadcast, transmit, display, reproduce and/or publicly disseminate the material of any medium and make it publicly accessible.

Tourismusverband Achensee is entitled to modify the recorded material without restrictions and to use and/or market it in modified form. This includes short-term interruption, cutting, and other types of modification and alteration of and with the footage.

In addition, I accept that any rights granted to Tourismusverband Achensee may be passed on to third parties without my consent. The selection and use of any photographs and footage featuring my child do not require my consent, the material can be used and disseminated to third parties without my consent.

I am also aware that my child might not be mentioned as a participant of the children’s programme. However, should my child be mentioned in connection with the programme or appear in photographs or footage, I am aware that I am not entitled to any payment, and expressly waive any claim for financial compensation resulting from my child’s participation in the programme, the material recorded during the programme, or any other reason.

I hereby grant permission for my child to participate in the youth programme of Tourismusverband Achensee and shall assume responsibility and liability for accidents of any kind.

I have been made aware that it is my responsibility to ensure that my child brings the following essential items: suitable sturdy shoes, weather appropriate clothing, a packed lunch, swimwear, and the AchenseeCard (= visitor card) which allows free use of the bus. If my child does not bring the card, the bus ticket must be paid for by my child. If the weather is bad or not suitable for the planned activity, or if there are not enough participants (minimum 2 children), Tourismusverband Achensee reserves the right to cancel the programme on the day of the activity. 

If the planned activity is cancelled, I accept that I am responsible for picking up my child and that there will be no supervised programme by the Tourismusverband Achensee. It is my responsibility to get information whether the programme takes place, and if the programme is cancelled I must ensure supervision of my child. If an activity is cancelled the participation fee paid will be refunded.

I am aware and accept that the participation of my child in the youth programme involves a certain risk. I hereby confirm that Tourismusverband Achensee shall not be held liable for any injuries suffered by my child, or any harm or damages caused by my child, and waive any claim for damages on whatever legal ground and/or title.

Participation of my child in the Achensee youth programme is voluntary. I have a valid personal liability insurance and a personal accident insurance covering participation of my child. If my child causes harm to someone else or damages their property, I accept responsibility and guarantee that the organizer Tourismusverband Achensee will be completely indemnified and held harmless by me.

For the safety of my child and the safety of all other participants, I undertake to observe the safety regulations specified by the organizer. My child must follow the instructions and directions from supervisors and childcare assistants.

Tourismusverband Achensee has the right to make audio recordings, video footage and photographs during the event and to use any and all recorded media of my child’s appearance, voice, and name for any purpose (be it merchandising, commercial, advertising material, editorial or other) for an unlimited period of time across all media channels.

Tourismusverband Achensee is entitled to use the recorded material for its own purposes, to broadcast, transmit, display, reproduce and/or publicly disseminate the material of any medium and make it publicly accessible.

Tourismusverband Achensee is entitled to modify the recorded material without restrictions and to use and/or market it in modified form. This includes short-term interruption, cutting, and other types of modification and alteration of and with the footage.

In addition, I accept that any rights granted to Tourismusverband Achensee may be passed on to third parties without my consent. The selection and use of any photographs and footage featuring my child do not require my consent, the material can be used and disseminated to third parties without my consent.

I am also aware that my child might not be mentioned as a participant of the youth programme. However, should my child be mentioned in connection with the programme or appear in photographs or footage, I am aware that I am not entitled to any payment, and expressly waive any claim for financial compensation resulting from my child’s participation in the programme, the material recorded during the programme, or any other reason.